Falling Apart

This is a sketch I did a long time ago. Maybe 2004 or 2005?  It looks blurry because the actual sketch is smeared. I had it in an old sketch pad and so some of the lead rubbed off and smeared. In any case I think it’s cool and one of the rare times when I was younger that I sketched something that wasn’t a direct copy of a picture.

Stretched Heart


I drew this in my journal after feeling a little overwhelmed at the fact that my friends and my boyfriend would be studying abroad the next year. I felt like my heart was going to be stretched out. In my mind, the heart was made of gum and someone pinched off a piece and stuck it to each country that my friends would be in. This is the recreation of an image I had in my head. I couldn’t get it exactly right which is why I drew it a few times.